Thursday, July 16, 2009

HoneyCombs Liquid Alcohol Free Herb & Vitamin Discussion!

This is Crystal Bishop, one of the many who answer the phone when you call HoneyCombs to ask your health questions, or place an order. I am pleased to be adding this blog for the many of you that have so many questions that need to to be answered about liquid non alcoholic herbs and vitamins.

I feel that this blog can be a wonderful tool for you to ask your questions, place your comments, and even help others to become healthier.

Please feel free to invite as many of your friends, families, neighbors or whom ever you wish to this blog and I hope you enjoy it.

Crystal Bishop

1 comment:

  1. I have seen a lot on TV recently about Parasites, Is it true that parasites can get into different organs like liver, kidneys etc. I also read in a article that if parasites are in your organs that standard blood tests won't show up. Thanks
